Alumnae who care for children full-time are even more committed to pro bono work, with 67% reporting substantial volunteer activity. 而担任全职妈妈的女性校友则会更多参加公益活动,有67%表示参加过大量的志愿者活动。
My own experiences include time wasted as a volunteer youth mentor, attempted animal rescuer, and pro bono attorney, to name just a few. 简单举几个例子,我自己的经历就包括浪费时间做一名青年志愿者导师、未遂心愿的动物救助者和公益律师。
The loomises bought stock in his small company, Berkshire Hathaway ( BRKa); we became good friends of the Buffetts; and ultimately I became the pro bono editor of his increasingly famous annual letter to shareholders. 卢米斯家族买了巴菲特那家小公司伯克希尔-哈撒韦公司(BerkshireHathaway)的股票;我们也成为了巴菲特一家的好友;后来,我还成为了他名声大噪的年度致股东公开信的无偿编辑。
You should be helpful when you can, but you are entitled to put meaningful limits on the pro bono advice you dish out regularly. 你应该在你力所能及的时候提供帮助,但是你有权为你日常提供的无偿建议加上有益的限制。
The Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice called on lawyers in the state to provide pro bono assistance to people facing foreclosures. 俄亥俄州最高法院首席大法官呼吁该州律师无偿为这些人提供帮助。
The Creative Commons provides this mechanism through pro bono legal work, technical and community leadership, and constant advocacy. 知识共享通过公益的法律工作、技术和社区领导以及持续不断的倡导提供了这种机制。
Banks should allocate a defined portion of staff time to social finance, similar to the way the legal profession institutionalised pro bono work. 银行应当分配一定比例的员工时间用于从事社会金融,就像法律行业把无偿服务制度化一样。
This is the action of one individual at our agency working on a pro bono account. 这是我们公司的某个个人做的一个公益项目。
Through an active programme of pro bono, arts and charitable initiatives, all our people are encouraged to develop strong links with the communities in which we work. 通过义务咨询服务。艺术及慈善事业,我们鼓励所有雇员与其工作的社区建立坚强的纽带。
Well, do they have pro bono private investigators? 你们有公共的私人调查员吗?
I'm chalking this one up to pro bono. 这回就算热心一次公益了。
If you are looking for pro bono lawyers to assist you in a court case involving dams or mining: Environmental Defenders Law Center Pro Bono Program. 如果你在寻找无偿律师来帮助解决关于水坝或者矿业的官司:环境保卫者法律中心无偿律师项目。
Li Fangping, a prominent human rights lawyer, is busy organizing victims of the poisoned infant formula scandal rocking China and offering pro bono help. 著名的维权律师LiFangping最近正在忙着向有毒婴幼儿奶粉的受害者家庭提供无偿的法律援助。
Requests for pro bono assistance for plaintiffs bringing prod? ucts liability suits are also likely to elicit a swift rejection. 提起产品责任诉讼的原告在寻求公益性法律援助时,通常也会被立时回绝。
Like committees, coordinator positions are also seen as lending institutional legitimacy and creating an internal constituency within firms to advocate for strong pro bono efforts. 与委员会一样,协调员职位也被视为给律所带来机构合法性,并在律所内部创造一个提倡大力投入公益性工作的角色。
Some law firms have a policy of taking on pro bono cases when possible. 一些律师事务所规定,在可能的情况下要接一些维护公益的案子。
Now this meeting was pro bono. 现在这场咨询是免费的。
Stacey is a talented lawyer who does pro bono work to help people in her community. 史黛西是个很有才华的律师,她为社区的民众做公益服务。
We provide cash, lots of volunteer hours from our people, and pro bono work on systems that give principals and schools districts much better data about their students 'progress. 我们不但提供现金捐助和员工志愿服务,还会提供无偿服务建立体系,向校长和校区提供更准确的、关于学生进步的数据。
But China is a market where the pro bono approach can pay off. 但中国是一个做好事可能有好报的市场。
You think I don't do pro bono? 你认为我不做是因为职业道德?
Although fundraising is now much tougher, the foundation has raised 11m and more than 7m in pro bono support. 眼下,尽管募资难度大了许多,该基金会仍筹集了1100万英镑资金,以及价值逾700万英镑的专业性支持。
So the public sector and charities, where work is pro bono or modestly paid, have far more women directors than private equity houses, banks, city firms and hedge funds, which are dominated by the "white, male accountant". 因此和那些由“白人男性会计师”占主导地位的私人股本公司、银行、伦敦金融城企业以及对冲基金相比,公共部门和慈善机构拥有更多的女性董事,那里没有报酬或报酬很低。
To change the way of the input for pro bono sports, and promote the benign operation mechanism, management office and a quality and efficiency public sports service. 要转变对公益性体育的投入方式,形成良性管办的运行机制,以促进公共体育服务质量和效率的提高。